COLLECTION OF SEVEN COLLECTORS KNIVES: 1) Levine Folding Knife with Bone Handle and Unusual Pale Green Stone Inlay, appears to have limited or no use, full length when unfolded approximately 7'' in length with locking blade; 2) George Wostenholms Folding Knife with Curved Blade and Stag Horn Handle, 7.5'' in length, non-locking blade; 3) George Wostenholms Folding Knife Curved Blade, 7.25'' in length, used condition; 4) George Wostenholms Folding Knife Curved Blade and Wooden Handle, 7.5'' in length; 5) Winchester Stationary Blade Knife with Wooden Handle Marked Barnum and Bailey's Circus, 8.5'' in length; 6) George Wostenholms Stag Handle Folding Knife, 7.5'' in length; 7) W. Saynor Curved Blade Stag Handle, approx. 7'' in length folding blade.