BELLEEK PARIAN BUST ''THE BUST OF CLYTIE'' 6TH MARK: Partly glazed, Belleek porcelain bust, partly glazed, dates back to the 19th Century. The figure is based on the Greek classical story of the maiden Clytie falling in love with the sun god, Apollo. He spurned her love and the other gods took pity on Clytie and changed her into a sunflower. As the sunflower always follows the sun, so Clytie would always follow Apollo. The bottom of the bust is made up of the petals of the sunflower, and the moment of the change of maiden to sunflower is frozen in She is unglazed while the rest of it is glazed. The piece is approximately 11.5'' high, 7.5'' wide, and 5.5'' deep.
CONDITION: No Condition issues noted.