LLADRO PORCELAIN FIGURINES: Estate lot of 4 retired large figures to include, 1) ACCORDION PLAYER # 4606, Salvador Furio sculptor, issued 1969 retired 1978, 13.25'' x 7.75'' x 7''. 2) FLUTE PLAYER #1025, Julio Fernandez sculptor, issued 1969 retired 1978, 14.50'' x 7'' x 3.5''. Visible spot of glue at music. 3) HAMLET #4729, Alfredo Ruiz sculptor, issued 1970 retired 1980, 15.75'' x 7'' x 8''. Visible spot of glue at skull. 4) CLOWN WITH VIOLIN #1126, Juan Huerta sculptor, issued 1971 retired 1978, 12.50'' x 6'' x 5.25''. Sold as a lot.
CONDITION: See description for any condition issues. No boxes or certificates.